- Probe: Phased array/Curvilinear
- Mode: FAST
- Starting Depth: 10 cm
- Morrison’s Pouch
- Retrovesicular Space
- Sagittal
- Transverse
- Perisplenic
- Subcostal Cardiac
- Lung sliding
- MP (Liver and kidney junction):
- Indicator to patients head, placed on R midaxillary line at inferior rib margin
- Be sure to examine the caudal tip of the liver, as this is the area where fluid often accumulates first
- Assess above the diaphragm to determine if pleural effusion present
- PS (Between the spleen and the diaphragm):
- Place probe at L posterior axillary line with indicator toward patient’s head
- This view is often slightly more superior and posterior than MP
- Assess above the diaphragm to determine if pleural effusion present
- RV (Space above and slightly behind bladder):
- Saggital view: Place probe just above pubic symphysis with indicator toward patient’s head, and rock handle up to look down, then fan side to side
- Transverse view: Rotate indicator to patient’s R, then fan up and down
- Cardiac: SC view or PSL view (See cardiac section for technique)
- Lung Sliding:
- Best to assess with linear probe: Change to Thoracic settings, place probe at mid clavicular line with indicator toward patients head.
- Evaluate 2-3 intercostal spaces on most anterior chest for motion at plural line
Morison’s Pouch
Liver/Kidney interface
Perisplenic view
Spleen/Diaphragm interface
Retrovesicular Sagittal
Space above and behind bladder
Retrovesicular Transverse


Lung Sliding
Look for movement on the pleural line
Morison’s Pouch free fluid
Fluid located between the liver and kidney
Perisplenic free fluid
Fluid between the spleen and diaphragm
Retrovesicular free fluid (Transverse view)

Retrovesicular free fluid (Sagittal view)

Pericardial Effusion

No movement is seen on the pleura
Incomplete view of Morison’s pouch
Fix → Scan to view the caudal tip of liver and inferior pole of the kidney
Missed free fluid posterior to the bladderFix → Fluid behind the bladder may appear isoechoic due to posterior acoustic enhancement. Adjust time gain compensation to decrease this artifact
Difficulty obtaining perisplenic viewFix → Adjust probe to get a more posterior view of the LUQ
Free fluid incorrectly identified in thorax or abdomenFix → Identify the location of free fluid in relation to diaphragm. Fluid above the diaphragm is located in the thorax, while fluid below the diaphragm is located in the abdomen